Monday, October 13, 2014

A Month Later

This whole project started two/three years ago, with a character who looked a bit like Kenny from south park but in a brown coat and black skin with large white eyes. I had a simple rotation of him and a walk cycle. I’ve lost the walk of him but I have the rotation.

The idea back then was different then what it  now is, but there’s still some same things. For the most part the min idea is still there. He needs to get in to the this large underground place. Back then he was going to find a talking sword that told him that if he removed him from his stand that the door he needed to get past would open. But back then I never gave him arms, so he’d be unable to do this. He was going to get really mad and kick the sword braking it and the seal holding the door closed.

After that I have no idea what he was going to find. It changed a few times. Once it was going to be a hot lady, it was going to be gold, it was going to be a staff, or it was going to be a new world. In the end I never picked until I made a new character the next year.

The “mage” as this person is often called was going to be in a short film where he would walk up to a staff that was going to turn him in to stone.  This idea was bad and I handled working on it poorly. The idea was caned, however I liked the people I made for this world.

Over the summer I was talking to one of my friends and he was telling me about his book he was writing. Well I was talking to him I had an idea to remake the characters I had and turn them in to a comic.  He told me I should try, and with that I started work on rethinking how my characters looked, updating them to look more real and have more of my new style.

When I first made the characters my drawing level was no were a good as it is now. The last few years have been kind to me with growing my artistic skill.

With me bringing the comic back, it hit me that to help get hype behind it I should make an animation for it. So with the start of the school year I sat myself down and started work on it. And then life came in a punched me in the face and kicked me well I was down. We can talk about that at a later date

I wanted to take what was the first chapter from the comic and make it an animation out of it. It was going to be set in the same place as the first, but with its updated look I gave it late last 2013. And it was going to fallow the same idea of him trying to get in to an underground tomb, but with the change that he has arms, he’s looking for the mage, and he’s going in to a pyramid. 

How I when about it was the same that I did when I was working on some of my larger paintings. I started of with a small version of the seen to make a storyboard. It’s near gets a 3-4 time zoom to get it to the right shape, if not smaller.

Rather then make it by hand I chose to make it on the computer so that way I can take what I’ve drawn and make it larger and draw over it. I did this to try and get the feel for the drawing early on and then just cleaning it up and making it more real afterwards.

The goal at this point is to get three things down, feel and lay out, and the flow. If early on I can spot were something doesn’t flow good together I can stop it before I get too far in to it and find that I spent all that time on nothing. In the end I still ended up cutting a part out from the storyboard, meaning that right now I need to make a new one. But at the time it looked fine.

Once it was all laid out I was able to start cleaning it up, and re drawing it all to start building the animatic.

First of was the backgrounds, and they also ended up taking all this time.

I wanted them to not be too simple, and wanted your eye to be willing to look around the background. And to have it be where I could pause the video at any time and it could look like a painting or a drawing.

Well doing this I worried about making sure that they didn’t look too different from each other. The worst thing I could have done in my mind was to have one background use a different color plate then the last one. I ended up having to change the skys in all of my backgrounds so they would look the same as the newer design I was making at the end.

The backgrounds changed a lot, but the main idea I did back when I did the story bored was still the main focus. Any change I made was for adding more for color, and or to make things more clear, and to make it straight forward. As I got more done I found I wasn’t able to make it all as fast as I wanted to. I was getting behind.

When I was rapping up the backgrounds I was starting to get in to a art block and I was finding it hard to draw my characters. I wasn’t able to get fully over it do to the fighting I’ve been having at home. On top of that I ended up having an illness, there was a day were I couldn’t eat because I didn’t have any money, and the computer didn’t want to work with me one day and I had to restart it and reinstall my table in to it (I lost all the work I did before then.) 

I had to draw over 500 frames in two weeks. The frames I had to make where also very complex. But that didn’t madder either way because of all the other problems I had. The fact I didn’t do it, shouldn’t really shock too many people. I wish I could have done it, or tried to find an easier why to do it.

I will only say that I wish that I chose to have that time stet to something that I could have done in that time rather then reach for the stars.

I was building myself up to fail with it, and anyone could see if they watched me step by step. I never did something like this before so I wasn’t used to the speed in witch I had to go. I needed to handle it like needed to get something fast down, and then got the next drawing. Instead I was taking time trying to make it really clean and make the lines smooth when they didn’t need to be.

Knowing what happened I will say that I don’t know if there was much I could have done differently, other then try next time to get the idea down faster next time and not have to go back so much because I changed something well working on it.

When the best I can spit out is a animatic with it’s backgrounds, One of witch is awful, I feel like I could have done better. But at the same time I remembered that I had a lot of problems. It was hard for me because there was no one I could just ask about it without changing the whole why I wanted to do it. was looked at in the start but I couldn’t find anything that looked like it would help problems where to narrow, to pin point. And I wasn’t able to find something that could make it what I wanted with out it being stiff rigged 2d sprite.  I have to say that I pains me to animate that way do to how the end produce ends up being. I could have done more things to aid in making it still not have that stiff look at is done from rigging. it would however mean that I didn’t have to draw the same thing five million times .

What I liked was that I stuck to my guns with wanting it to look nice over anything else. If it didn’t look right I would try to change it. And all though I’m still having to change things I’m happy with when I’m wanting to make.

I should be noted that, when I showed what I had for the class is that I didn’t get a lot of feedback. It wasn’t done, some people did say it looked great even at it’s early state, some pointed out flaws that I made so now I can go and fix those. Even Mr. Netterville  (My Teacher) said it was impressive what I made in that amount of time. I know he’ll be reading this, but I’m still going to openly say I think he didn’t mean that and he was just trying to be nice. That or he was trying to tell the class about what it’s like to work on something to this scale. Either way, thank you for saying that.

I’m going to keep working on this and I’m going to up date this blog as I work on it in my own time. I want to complete this by the end of my high school year. I’m not sure how great it will be or how often I’ll have time to update this blog. But I’ll be trying to leave hints and short stuff as I work. I hope who ever is reading this will have a good day (may be even a good week) and I’ll see all you peeps next time.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Planing out

 This is the pained out steps that will be taken for the whole thing. There's nothing that I want to share or give tips about, so Enjoy looking at my steps.

August 22 2014:
-       Storyboard done
-       Start work on getting the frames for the start, these need to be fully built within the next few days.

 August 29 2014:
-       All the background for the frames are set/made.
-       The showing of the “place where his sword need to be jammed in and glows” is done. (I’m not here to make cool names, sorry. I’ll forget it if I don’t spell it out)

September 5 2014:
-       plain out how the “door” will open that both looks right and doesn’t  look to big. and doesn't look stupid opening
-       Make the “steps show up” frame. (Fun fact: this used to be a place coved in water before the ice and snow)

September 10 2014:
-       Built the door and show him walking to/into it.
-       Start work on his pulling out the sword and getting ready plunge it in the key slot

September 13 2014:
-       “Sword key” frame is done and ready
-       Short brake for the weekend/work on stuff I’m behind on

September 15 2014:
-       start work on the in-between shots.

September 19: 2014:
- gets all the in between shots down
-start work on the "found" frames

September 24 2014:
-       keep working on stuff that isn’t done
-       Start putting it together